Monday, April 6, 2015

California Girls

This evening  was a special edition of bee school; the installation of a new package.  It was the first time I've seen any bees up close and personal since last summer, and these ladies were just as friendly as can be.

After having been in a screen box on a truck for the last week, they got ceremoniously unceremoniously dumped into their new home, which they seemed to like. Some of them lingered in the travel box, but by now they're all tucked into their top bar hive, munching on sugar candy and keeping warm for the night.

We were only there for about an hour (complete with questions and lingering, trying to get a bee to rest on my finger), and I'm even more stoked for the arrival of my girls next month. It also reminded me that I still have a handful of little things to finish and/or buy, and that I'd better get a move-on. I stopped by the grocery store afterward to pick up 20lbs of sugar and some mason jars so I can make sugar syrup to feed them.

Only 32 more days!

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